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Most malware comes from legit sites

Most malware comes from legit sites, says researcher
According to data compiled by Websense Inc., 51% of the sites it classified as malicious in the second half of 2007 had been compromised and then seeded with attack code that infected unpatched machines visiting the URLs. The remaining 49% were “intentionally built for malicious intent,” the Websense report said. Keep you patches, virus and anti spyware up-to-date – “Shields Up”

A Way To Wipe Out Dengue Fever?

Engineered Mosquitoes Could Wipe Out Dengue Fever
Oxitec’s technology is a variation of a proven process called “sterile insect technique,” which scientists have already used to eliminate the screwworm and the Mediterranean fruit fly from North America. It involves irradiating male insects, causing mutations that make them sterile. When released into the wild, they mate with females who then fail to reproduce.

But the amount of radiation used in that technique kills mosquitoes. So in a twist on the sterile insect technique, Alphey discovered a way to genetically program the bugs to die unless they’re fed the common antibiotic tetracycline.

By postponing death with tetracycline, the scientists can keep the altered bugs alive long enough to breed them in large numbers. When released into the wild, they no longer receive tetracycline so the previously silenced gene springs into action. The bugs stay alive long enough to breed with wild females, but their offspring die young.

World’s largest swimming pool

Make a splash in the world’s largest swimming pool | the Daily Mail
It is more than 1,000 yards long, covers 20 acres, had a 115ft deep end and holds 66 million gallons of water, took 5 years and cost $1.5 billion to build.

Yesterday the Guinness Book of Records named the vast pool beside the sea in Chile as the biggest in the world.

The Real War On the Border

Mexico Hits Drug Gangs With Full Fury of War – New York Times
President Felipe Calderón, who won office in 2006 on a promise to create jobs, has spent most of his first year in office trying to break up organized crime rings. To the consternation of some liberals here, he has mobilized the military to do it, sending 6,000 troops into Tamaulipas state alone.

As those troops, along with thousands of federal agents, have begun putting pressure on drug gangs, the midlevel mobsters and hit men have put up a surprising amount of resistance. Again and again, they have chosen to fight it out rather than surrender.

Yet what is happening is less a war than a sustained federal intervention in states where for decades corrupt municipal police officers and drug gangs have worked together in relative peace, officials say.

Saudi Arabia to lift ban on women drivers

Saudi Arabia to lift ban on women drivers – Telegraph
Saudi Arabia is to lift its ban on women drivers in an attempt to stem a rising suffragette-style movement in the deeply conservative state.

Government officials have confirmed the landmark decision and plan to issue a decree by the end of the year.

The move is designed to forestall campaigns for greater freedom by women, which have recently included protesters driving cars through the Islamic state in defiance of a threat of detention and loss of livelihoods. Continue reading “Saudi Arabia to lift ban on women drivers”