Red Bull Sales Exploding in North Korea


Potential future North Korean canon fodder (Party Officials) are bused in to watch 4 of these guns firing 50 caliber-size bullets that pulverize the prisoner.

The ZPU-4 anti-aircraft gun allegedly used in North Korean executions. (US Army, via Human Rights in North Korea
The ZPU-4 anti-aircraft gun allegedly used in North Korean executions. (US Army, via Human Rights in North Korea

North Korea Exporting Fake $100 Bills

North Korea Might Be Exporting Fake $100 Bills
China’s central bank warned its lenders about an influx of high-quality counterfeit American $100 bills — which the United States alleges are made by North Korea — as the spread of the forgeries moves toward the center of a standoff between Washington and Pyongyang.

Governments around Asia are stepping up surveillance for the bogus currency, which law-enforcement officials have dubbed supernotes because they are so difficult to distinguish from genuine money