Gamblers cash in on Caesars casino error

Gamblers cash in on Caesars casino error
Caesars and Indiana Gaming Commission officials say the machine — named Extra Money — paid out $487,000 over the July 21 weekend before an honest gambler from Louisville brought the problem to their attention.

It turned out that the machine was one of a bank of eight slots in which new software had been installed on July 21, according to a gaming commission incident report.

The other seven machines checked out fine. But the one Ford was using had a switch set in a position for use in the Philippines instead of the United States, and it instructed the machine to multiply credits by 10, the report states. (Thanks to Chip Welfeld for this one)

Miami seen as highest disaster risk city

SustainLane | U.S. Cities in Harm’s Way
Based on these criteria, the cities with the greatest natural disaster risk are Miami (#50), which is sited on a peninsula between two prolific hurricane zones; New Orleans (#49); Oakland (#48), which straddles the Hayward Earthquake Fault; San Francisco (#47), on the San Andreas Fault and at risk for tsunamis; Honolulu (#46), subject to hurricanes, storm surge flooding, and tsunamis; and San Jose (#45), which is also near the San Andreas Fault.Click on the link to see the full list of 50 cities and the criteria.

Bill Maher: The World IS Mel Gibson

The Blog | Bill Maher: The World IS Mel Gibson | The Huffington Post
As I watch so much of the world ask Israel for restraint in a way no other country would (Can you imagine what Bush would do if a terrorist organization took over Canada and was lobbing missiles into Montana, Maine and Illinois?) – and, by the way, does anyone ever ask Hezbollah for restraint. you know, like, please stop firing your rockets aimed PURPOSEFULLY at civilians? – it strikes me that the world IS Mel Gibson. Continue reading “Bill Maher: The World IS Mel Gibson”

Quick Guide to TV on the Net

The Jeff Pulver Blog: Jeff’s Quick Guide to TV on the Net (TV/IP) – July, 2006
During the past twelve months, as the momentum for Broadband TV has snowballed, an increasing number of media companies have decided to take their content and make it available for viewing on the Internet. In some cases, the content offered is “re-runs” of prime time content, in other cases the Internet is being used to channel “vintage” programming (re-runs of old programs) and there is an increasing number of cases in which new content is being developed by media companies for just the broadband Internet.

Kamal Habib

Kamal Habib is a former leader of the radical Egyptian Islamic Jihad, the network that Zawahiri joined as a young doctor. After serving a decade in prison for attempting to overthrow the Egyptian government, Habib has embraced nonviolence and is considered an authority on militant Islam. He says “The Arab world has witnessed change over the last year or two that is almost equivalent to the amount of change that occurred over the previous two decades,”

Macau to overtake Las Vegas by 2007

Macau to overtake Las Vegas by 2007
With more than 20 billion dollars worth of investment committed to some 25 new hotels and casinos in the next five years the southern Chinese territory is expected to emerge as a world-class tourism destination, according to analysts Globalysis.

“We believe that Macaus (revenue) will surpass that experienced on the Las Vegas Strip in 2006, signalling Macaus success as a global casino gaming destination,” it said in a statement. Continue reading “Macau to overtake Las Vegas by 2007”

Peter Hitchens on Israel

Mail online – Peter Hitchens

In this post to his British newspaper blog Hitchens delineates a history of what he calls “Judophobia”; concluding with this point-counterpoint –

As for the conventional wisdom of the commentators, let me take it piece by piece: “Israel needs to make concessions to the Palestinians if it wants to live in peace. These concessions should take the form of land.” Continue reading “Peter Hitchens on Israel”

Stingy Stones avoid tax on £240m fortune

Stingy Stones avoid tax on £240m fortune | the Daily Mail
The Rolling Stones have paid just 1.6 per cent tax on their earnings of £242million over the past 20 years, it has emerged.

Documents published in Holland show that Sir Mick Jagger, Charlie Watts and Keith Richards used offshore trusts and companies to ensure tax breaks.

Of the fortune they have accumulated since 1986 for royalties, they have paid just £3.9 million in taxes.

Watts is said to be worth £ 80million, and as main songwriters, Richards is worth £185million while Sir Mick’s fortune is as much as £205million. Continue reading “Stingy Stones avoid tax on £240m fortune”

The Female Brain – The Book – The Buzz

UCSF Today –

 This new book base on this USCF researchers work finds that every brain begins as a female brain. It only becomes male eight weeks after conception, when excess testosterone shrinks the communications center, reduces the hearing cortex, and makes the part of the brain that processes sex twice as large.

Brizendine reveals the neurological explanations behind why

A woman uses about 20,000 words per day while a man uses about 7,000
A woman remembers fights that a man insists never happened
A teen girl is so obsessed with her looks and talking on the phone
Thoughts about sex enter a woman’s brain once every couple of days but enter a man’s brain about once every minute
A woman knows what people are feeling, while a man can’t spot an emotion unless somebody cries or threatens bodily harm
A woman over 50 is more likely to initiate divorce than a man.

See the diffrences in the female brain’s anatomy in this interactive graph