Tiny brain no obstacle to French civil servant

Scotsman.com News – Latest News – Odd – Tiny brain no obstacle to French civil servant
A man with an unusually tiny brain managed to live an entirely normal life despite his condition, caused by a fluid buildup in his skull, French researchers reported on Thursday.

Scans of the 44-year-old man’s brain showed that a huge fluid-filled chamber called a ventricle took up most of the room in his skull, leaving little more than a thin sheet of actual brain tissue.

“He was a married father of two children, and worked as a civil servant,” Dr. Lionel Feuillet and colleagues at the Universite de la Mediterranee in Marseille wrote in a letter to the Lancet medical journal. On neuropsychological testing, he proved to have an intelligence quotient (IQ) of 75: his verbal IQ was 84, and his performance IQ 70.

One thought on “Tiny brain no obstacle to French civil servant”

  1. As a former Ontarian, I would have ordinarily taken this golden opportunity to bag on the French and their “tiny” brains, but I won’t . The human mind is a fasciniating thing!

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